Step1OK=Passive decline of maternal antibodies. All chicks do not have the same maternal antibody level at day old. Some have a level above average, others below average, the uncertainty on the flock average is represented by the colored area.&&Step2500=Limit of vaccine take for an Intermediate Plus vaccine: 500.& &Step2250=Limit of vaccine take for an Intermediate vaccine: 250.&&Step3500=Vaccination must ideally be performed when the maternal antibody level reaches a value of 500.& &Step3250=Vaccination must ideally be performed when the maternal antibody level reaches a value of 250.& &Step3Prec=Choosing too early a vaccination date will result in the vaccine virus being neutralized by maternal antibodies.&&Step3Tard=Choosing too late a vaccination date.&&Step4OK=It allows the vaccine to induce active immunity and raise the antibody level again. Therefore, birds will be properly protected against the wild virus.&&Step4Prec=The vaccine will not be able to induce the production of antibodies: birds will not be protected against the wild virus. The production of antibodies will be low or null.&&Step4Tard=The maternal antibody level will drop below the limit of protection against the wild virus. As long as the maternal antibody level is below the limit of protection against a natural infection, birds are receptive to the wild virus.&&Step5OK=Therefore, birds will be properly protected against the wild virus.&&Step5Prec=The production of antibodies will be low or null.&&Step5Tard=As long as the maternal antibody level is below the limit of protection against a natural infection, birds are receptive to the wild virus.&